Distributor Opportunities
Equipment Manuals

Choose Coleman Hanna for all your car wash equipment needs! We are here to help you through all aspects of owning a car wash by giving you the Coleman Hanna advantage:

  • Proven & Reliable 
    With over 60 years of experience in the industry, Coleman Hanna is a well established brand with a reputation for quality and reliability in the car wash industry.
  • Worldwide Distributor Support
    Coleman Hanna has distributors in over 75 countries from including Australia, Argentina, Italy, Japan, throughout the USA, and many more.
  • Most Complete Line of Car Wash Equipment in the Industry  
    We are the only car wash manufacturer to offer a complete line of car wash equipment including conveyor equipment, in bay automatics, self serve equipment, and support equipment.
  • Assess Needs and Find Best Fit 
    From site evaluation for current locations and thorough analysis of needs for new car wash operators, Coleman Hanna can offer the best fit for your unique needs and goals.
  • Industry Innovators 
    Both Coleman and Hanna products have been industry innovators throughout history and this trend continues with our latest products today!
  • Expert Site Layout 
    Skilled CAD directors create the perfect site layout for your needs.
  • Professional Installation 
    Coleman Hanna and our worldwide distribution network offers experienced installation teams.
  • Branding & Marketing 
    Coleman Hanna can help you with a variety of marketing efforts including logo design, custom equipment decals, nationwide press releases and print advertisements, and email newsletter to our mailing list.

Self Serve Equipment

Express &  Full Service Tunnel Systems

Reclaim Systems

In Bay Automatics Touch-Free & Soft Touch

LEDs & Graphics

Site Plan Services



Sun Seal® Chemicals

Contact Coleman Hanna Today!

Contact Coleman Hanna today!

Get all your car wash equipment questions answered by contacting our knowledgeable sales staff.
Contact Coleman Hanna Today!