Touchless Conveyor Tunnel Systems

Looking for a tunnel with high cars washed per hour but without friction elements? Consider our low volume or high volume touchless systems.

Touch-Free Tunnels allows the speed of a conveyor system with the gentle but powerful cleaning power of touch-free in bay automatics. These systems come packed with high pressure washing equipment to blast dirt away while reducing contact with the customer car.

This touch-free conveyor system covers 100% of the vehicle’s horizontal and vertical surfaces. The wax, final rinse, and clear coat arches apply the correct amount of solutions in turn eliminating chemical waste while providing a remarkable shiny finish to the vehicle.

Touch-Free 100'

Touchless Conveyor Tunnel Systems

Touch-Free 110'

Touchless Conveyor Tunnel Systems



Complete & Customizable Tunnel Systems

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Conveyor System Components

For an overview of our Conveyor System Components, please submit your email. Click download after you've submitted your email. Thanks!




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